Thursday, October 26, 2006

Biggest win

The one that comes to mind is playing Crazy 4 Poker at the Hilton two years ago. I was doing pretty good late at night and was playing green chips @ $100 a hand. The dealers machine was broken so it was hand dealt. Looked at my cards and get four ladies for a cool $2050.00

I've had some big wins on slots but none really stands out like that one.

Trip from HELL-Has to be the one I just returned from. Spent a week in Vegas and did not have a single winning day. Luck was no where to be found. Played alot of everything and nothing was paying. And one moment that I wont forget is getting beat out of a straight flush on Crazy 4 Poker. Three people at the table, guy buys in, dealer misses him in the deal. Others say move the cards as I shake my head. (A card layed is a card played) You quessed it. The guy that got my original cards got the straight flush. At first he would not even look my way but about 5 hands later he put me in with green chips. Small jesture but at least it was something. And by the way, I lost that hand.

Also, a family member got sick costing me $400 cash. Go to check out and only get RFB comped for 3 days. (I'm still fighting that one.)

Now I need a vacation!